Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

29 functions found:

1.   @Char ( codePoint )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
A wrapper for the original function Char() to handle 3-byte Unicode code points.
2.   @Code ( character )
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
A wrapper for the function Code(). Converts UTF-16 into UTF-32.
3.   @CodeList ( text )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
An expression for the Data Viewer to return a list of UTF-16 and UTF-32 character codes in Dec and Hex.
4.   @CrossedAutoEnter ( thisFieldRef ; anotherFieldNum ; anotherValue )
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Allows to auto-enter calculations in two fields that depend on each other.
5.   @GetAsDate ( text )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Multilingual wrapper for the native GetAsDate() function to handle month names, abbreviations, and ISO-style dates.
6.   @GetAsHTMLDecoded ( text )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
HTML Character Entity Decoder
7.   @GetAsURLDecoded ( url ; counter )
  Average rating: 3.5
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Decodes URL-encoded UTF-8 text.
8.   @GetBackgroundFileName ()
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Returns the name of the topmost background file.
9.   @HourlyWorkEnd ( workStartTimestamp ; scheduledHours )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
A customizable function to precisely calculate the end date and time of scheduled hourly work, excluding lunches, weekends, and holidays.
10.   @HoverPopoverBE ( ~popover ; ~row ; ~tooltip )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Opens the popover through the tooltip calculation when the user hovers the mouse over the object.
11.   @JsonEvaluate ( quotedJSONString )
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Returns the decoded value of a quoted JSON string (for all FM versions).
12.   @JsonFindKey ( json ; key )
  Average rating: 4.5
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Returns a list of paths to each instance of the specified key.
13.   @JsonFindValue ( json ; value )
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Returns a list of paths to each element that contains the specified value.
14.   @JsonFixElement ( serialNum ; param )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
A helper for the native function JSONSetElement() to force objects appear in the order you set them.
15.   @JsonFixLongNumbers ( json )
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Converts long JSONNumber elements to JSONText.
16.   @JsonFormatArray ( json )
  Average rating: 3.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Formats JSON Arrays in two columns: elements hierarchy and values.
17.   @JsonFormatElements ( json )
  Average rating: 3.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Formats JSON data in two columns: elements hierarchy and values. Version 2.1
18.   @JsonGetElementType ( json ; keyOrIndexOrPath )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Returns the JSON type of the specified element.
19.   @JsonListValues ( json ; keyOrIndexOrPath )
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Preserves the index of JSON array elements for processing by the GetValue() function.
20.   @JsonQuote ( text )
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Quotes the text in JSON format (for all FM versions).
21.   @ModKeys ( expression )
  Average rating: 4.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
An elegant way to use the Get ( …ModifierKeys ) functions.
22.   @PowerMod ( BASE ; EXPONENT ; MODULUS ; RESULT )
  Average rating: 4.3
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Up to 1024-bit RSA encryption
23.   @RGB2GIF ( red ; green ; blue )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Returns a .gif file with one pixel of the specified color.
24.   @SqlUpdateBE ( _database ; setFldRefOrName ; _setValue ; whereFldRefOrName ; _whereValue )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Modifies matching records in the FM database by executing an SQL UPDATE statement with the BaseElements plugin.
25.   @TextEncode ( textToEncode ; extendedASCIIChars ; lineEndings )
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
A wrapper for the function TextEncode() to convert text to any old-style Extended ASCII encoding.
26.   @TrimAll ( text ; trimSpaces ; trimType )
  Average rating: 5.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Trims all 21 variants of the whitespace character.
27.   @TrimPunctuation ( text )
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Universal punctuation trimmer for relational filters
28.   @UniqueValuesToAdd ( existingValues ; addingValues ; ~datatype ; ~locale )
  Average rating: 4.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Filter values that are not on the list.
29.   @XOR ( numberOne ; numberTwo )
  Average rating: 0.0
Alex Zueiv, Tashkent
Non-recursive binary XOR function.

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