Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

28 functions found:

1.   BinaryToDecimal ( Binary )
  Average rating: 4.5
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
convert any positive binary to base 10 integer
2.   DecimalToBinary ( Integer )
  Average rating: 4.4
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
convert any positive integer to binary
3.   DifferenceValues ( newList ; compareList )
  Average rating: 0.0
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Difference of values not found in the compare list.
4.   Fibonacci ( N )
  Average rating: 4.4
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Nth result of the Fibonocci series
5.   FindNextWeekday ( startDate ; dayofweeknumber )
  Average rating: 0.0
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Finds the next or previous week date from starting date
6.   fnRandom ( minValue ; maxValue )
  Average rating: 4.7
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
A better random, between a min and max value
7.   fnSetGlobalVar ( Name; Value )
  Average rating: 3.9
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Dynamically sets a global variable with a single script line.
8.   FormatThousands ( Number ; Precision ; Separator )
  Average rating: 4.1
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Formats a number separating the thousands by a user specified character.
9.   HexidecimalToNumber ( HexidecimalValue ; counter )
  Average rating: 4.0
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Hexidecimal to number converter
10.   JSONArrayLength ( JSONArrayStr )
  Average rating: 4.5
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
JSON Array Length
11.   JSONMergeArrays ( array1 ; array2 )
  Average rating: 5.0
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Merge two JSON arrays
12.   jsonToVars ( JSON ; scope )
  Average rating: 4.5
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Converts JSON into FileMaker variables
13.   NPhi()
  Average rating: 4.4
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Negative of The Golden Ratio
14.   NumberToHexadecimal(NumberValue)
  Average rating: 5.0
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Coverts integers to hexidecimal
15.   OSVersion
  Average rating: 4.9
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Operating system and FileMaker version
16.   Phi()
  Average rating: 4.8
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
The Golden Ratio
17.   Repeat ( myText ; Number )
  Average rating: 4.2
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Repeat text a specified number of times
18.   Repeatv2 (text ; repeatTimes )
  Average rating: 0.0
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Repeat text a specified number of times, updated for FM 18
19.   Slope ( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 )
  Average rating: 4.5
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Calculates the slope of a line on a plot (use with yIntercept)
20.   SumRepetition ( Field ; Repetition ; RecordCount
  Average rating: 4.0
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Sums an individual repetition through a relationship.
21.   text.Replace ( Text ; SearchText1 ; SearchText2 ; ReplacementText ) )
  Average rating: 4.4
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Replaces a text between two identifiers (including the identifiers)
22.   text.ValidateCharacters ( Text ; Values )
  Average rating: 4.8
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Validate input characters
23.   time.Convert( TmStamp ; localOffset ; FromForm ; toOffset; ToForm )
  Average rating: 4.3
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Converts a timestamp from one format to another
24.   time.GMTOffset
  Average rating: 0.0
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Time offset from GMT
25.   time.UTCtoLocal ( theTimeStamp ; ZoneOffset ; ObservesDST )
  Average rating: 4.3
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Converts UTC timestamp to local time DST adjusted
26.   UnionList ( ListA ; ListB )
  Average rating: 4.6
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Logical union of two lists of values
27.   ValueListSelectedIndex ( File ; ValueList ; Value )
  Average rating: 4.1
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Returns the number of the selected value in a list
28.   yIntercept ( x1, y1, x2, y2 )
  Average rating: 4.3
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Calculates the y intercept of a line on a plotted graph ( use with my other function slope )

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