Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

40 functions found:

1.   AddPrefixSuffixToList ( theList ; prefix ; suffix )
  Average rating: 4.3
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
add a prefix or suffix to each line in a list
2.   balance( theText; openbracket; closebracket; instance )
  Average rating: 4.4
Bruce Robertson
Get text to length that balances open/close markers
3.   BetweenOpenCloseTag ( Txt ; OpenTag ; CloseTag ; n )
  Average rating: 4.5
Agnes Barouh, Tic Tac
to extract between 2 tags even if the tag is repeated and nested - not recursive
4.   BuildRSSFeed( rssTitle ; rssPubDate ; IDLink ; rssLink ; rssDescription ; rssXMLurl ; rssEnclosure )
  Average rating: 4.4
Roger Biel, 2Geckos Consulting, LLC
The easiest way to build RSS Feeds
5.   BuildRSSFeedLib ( SubstitionCode )
  Average rating: 4.0
Roger Biel, 2Geckos Consulting, LLC
XML coding used by BuildRSSFeed
6.   DATEV_Belegsatz ( Gesamtbetrag ; Rechnungsdatum ; Rechnungsnummer ; IBAN ; Firma ; Stadt ; Bestellnummer ; Lieferdatum ; AR_ER ; Sachkonto ; Personenkonto ; BuchungsCode ; MWST_
  Average rating: 0.0
Markus, COBIX Consult
DATEV XML Belegsatz Datei
7.   DATEV_Document ( datafile ; AR_ER ; Rechnungsnummer )
  Average rating: 0.0
Markus, COBIX Consult
DATEV XML Interface (part 1)
8.   EscapeXML ( Text )
  Average rating: 4.5
Ibrahim Bittar Torres, Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.
Simple function to escape characters for XML
9.   ExtractData ( XML ; Attribute ; Instance )
  Average rating: 3.8
Andy Knasinski, NRG Software
Extract specific data out of XML formatted text without using FileMaker's built-in XML functionality.
10.   ExtractXMLAttributeList__cf ( _xml ; _attribute ; _instance )
  Average rating: 4.5
Steve Hearn, CoreSolutions Software Inc
Extracts a list of values that are contained within the XML attribute tag
11.   fm2word (input)
  Average rating: 4.4
Jens Teich, DJTO
Generates Microsoft Word 2003 XML Documents from FileMaker
12.   fnParser_UnCertain(text;firstSymbol;secondSymbol;SN)
  Average rating: 5.0
上海Isaac赵, 上海友陆商务
13.   GetFieldsAsXML ( theFields )
  Average rating: 4.4
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Convert a list of fields to XML data
14.   GetListAsXML ( theList ; Element )
  Average rating: 4.5
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
Easily convert a list to XML
15.   GetNthCdataContents ( xmlToSearch ; n )
  Average rating: 4.6
Cristos Lianides-Chin, Codence
Gets the contents of the nth CDATA instance within an XML blob.
16.   GetNthRecordXML ( theFields ; recNum ; encodeFlag )
  Average rating: 4.5
Bruce Robertson
Returns record data in XML format for nth record
17.   GetRowsXML( fieldList; startRow; endrow; type; encodeFlag)
  Average rating: 4.5
Bruce Robertson
Returns data in XML format for multiple fields and multiple records
18.   GetRowsXMLMatch(fieldlist ; startRow; endrow; type; matchexpression; encodeF
  Average rating: 4.0
Bruce Robertson
Get records in XML format for records meeting match criteria
19.   GetXmlContent ( theXml ; theNodeName ; theInstanceNumber )
  Average rating: 4.7
Extract data from XML snippet which may contain attributes and/or erroneous partial matches
20.   GetXMLNode ( XML ; XPath )
  Average rating: 4.1
Michael Wallace, Empowered Data Solutions
Navigate XML tree and return results using XPath type functionality (Nonrecursive)
21.   IsControlChar ( f_Char )
  Average rating: 4.5
Neal Elward, Extreme Reach
Tests if a character is an ASCII control character
22.   ParseXML (XML; tag; instance; attribute)
  Average rating: 0.0
Mark Geerdes, Technology By Design
This will parse out data from XML given the tag name, instance to search for, and attribute.
23.   RemoveEmptyNodes ( xml )
  Average rating: 4.7
Michael Wallace, Empowered Data Solutions
This function goes through XML and returns a trimmed down version that has no empty nodes in it.
24.   SubstituteRange ( text; beginString; endString; replaceString )
  Average rating: 4.3
Jim Main, Main Solutions
Replaces all occurrances of two text strings, along with any text between them, with another value
25.   TAB10()
  Average rating: 4.8
Martin Spanjaard, Trias Digitaal
Returns a string of 10 tab characters; helper function for XMLtab
26.   time.Convert( TmStamp ; localOffset ; FromForm ; toOffset; ToForm )
  Average rating: 4.3
Rob Poelking, Kiza Solutions
Converts a timestamp from one format to another
27.   TXT_to_UTF8 ( Text )
  Average rating: 3.9
Ibrahim Bittar Torres, Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.
Converts text to UTF-8 encoding
28.   UTF8_to_TXT ( Text )
  Average rating: 4.3
Ibrahim Bittar Torres, Eikonsys, S.A. de C.V.
Converts UTF-8 text to Mac Roman or Windows 1252
29.   ValorTags ( Texto ; TagInicio ; TagFinal ; TipoResultado )
  Average rating: 0.0
Jesus Sanchez, dbFile Desarrollos
Returns value between specific TAGs from XML text
30.   ValueFromString ( text ; searchString ; start ; occurrence )
  Average rating: 4.6
Steven Zeidel
Finds a search string within text and returns the value number within which the string is found.
31.   XMLElement(TagName;Content;NameSpace;AttributeValueList)
  Average rating: 0.0
Mark Geerdes, Technology By Design
Formats a XML element with opening tags, namespace, attributes, and closing tags. Also handles empty tags. NameSpace and attributes can be empty.
32.   XMLEncode ( data )
  Average rating: 4.2
Andy Knasinski, nrg software, llc.
XML Encode Data with HTML equivalents
33.   XmlGetTagAttribute ( Xml ; Tag ; Occurrence ; Attribute )
  Average rating: 0.0
Federico Severin, Sevesoftware Engineering
Get an attribute value from the opening tag in xml code.
34.   XMLindent(XML;whiteSpace;indentLevel)
  Average rating: 0.0
Mark Geerdes, Technology By Design
Recursive function to add indents to XML or any text for readability
35.   XMLPrettyPrint(XML;whiteSpace;indentLevel;ContentLine)
  Average rating: 0.0
Mark Geerdes, Technology By Design
This takes a block of XML and formats it with white space to make it readable.
36.   XMLtag ( tag ; content ; type )
  Average rating: 4.8
Martin Spanjaard, Trias Digitaal
To be used in a script, returns correctly indentend xml
37.   XMLtag_sub ( nameValuePairs )
  Average rating: 4.7
Martin Spanjaard, Trias Digitaal
Helperfunction to XMLtag. XMLtag_sub will quote the values in a string with one or more name= value pairs.
38.   XML_Get ( InXML ; InElement ; InOccurrence )
  Average rating: 0.0
Richard DeShong, Logic Tools
Returns the text between the Elements tags, for the given Occurrence
39.   _FilterXML
  Average rating: 4.4
filter chars
40.   _XMLGetValue ( xml ; xpath )
  Average rating: 4.0
Micah Woods, Scodigo, Inc.
Used to return the value of the xml node specified by the xpath parameter.

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