Brian Dunning's FileMaker Custom Functions

Search Results

13 functions found:

1.   ArrayCombine ( array1 ; array2 ; startposition ; separator )
  Average rating: 4.7
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Returns a combined array from two separate arrays, similar to php's array_combine function.
2.   ArrayReformat ( valueList ; quoteStyle ; braceStyle ; newSeparator ; oldSeparator )
  Average rating: 4.3
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Convert/transform lists to JSON, quoted lists, or other name value pairs
3.   GetFileSize ( Bytes ; Precision ; UOM ; Format )
  Average rating: 4.4
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Converts bytes into a labeled file size, appending
4.   GetLayoutObjectNames ( file ; layout ; output )
  Average rating: 5.0
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Extracts list of all **named** layout objects and returns json, value list, or named value list
5.   GetLayoutViewState
  Average rating: 0.0
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Converts window view state values into human readable strings
6.   GetMajorVersion ( string )
  Average rating: 5.0
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Returns Major application version number (as string) by filtering out all non-numeric characters from version string and casting version float to an integer.
7.   GetMinorVersion ( string )
  Average rating: 5.0
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Returns Patch and Minor application version numbers by filtering out all non-numeric characters and truncating version integer.
8.   GetRelativeDayName ( theDate ; resultLength )
  Average rating: 5.0
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Returns relative day name for today, 7 days in the past, and one day into the future in abbreviated or fully spelled format.
9.   GetSystemPlatformVersion
  Average rating: 5.0
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Returns host OS name and version number or OS abbreviation and browser version in human readable format.
10.   GetWindowOrientation
  Average rating: 4.0
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Converts window orientation values ( aspect ratio and title bar position ) into human readable strings
11.   GetWindowStyle
  Average rating: 0.0
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Converts window style values into human readable strings
12.   hostCanRPC
  Average rating: 5.0
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Checks if file is hosted on a version of Server that supports Perform Script On Server (PSoS)
13.   JSONExplode ( JSON )
  Average rating: 5.0
Julio Toledo, Automation USA LLC
Transforms JSON into a return-delimited list.

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